Tuesday, March 20, 2012

11 Days and counting.....

It is 79 degrees in Eastern North Carolina today.  We are wearing shorts and tanktops; our feet are bare.  In eleven days we will be flying to Alaska to begin our next life adventure.  We have accepted a job with an Alaskan company and will be living in western remote Alaska for an indefinite time.  I, Beth,  am from Minnesota. He, Mark,  is from California.  We have been together for 15 years and in that time we have lived in Minnesota, North Dakota, and currently North Carolina. 

It is warm here. The Atlantic is beautiful and in the summer as warm as bath water.  I have spent hours wandering the beach in search of a new shell or an elusive shark tooth.  My heart has soared with the pelicans as they drift in and out of the swells and I have lost myself in watching for the tell tale fins of the dolphins swimming.  I am going to miss that about North Carolina.  After growing up in the cold I have come to appreciate the warmth of the sand under my feet.  I have enjoyed no shoes and the taste of salt on my lips. 

Alaska brings to us a new promise of seeing the wild up close, of viewing the northern lights in all their glory.  It is a challenge in going from a life of convenience to a more simple existence.  Where we now live in a town with traffic, sirens, and stoplights; we are going to no paved roads, no lights, no way to get to the next town by car, only by boat or plane. 

We have bought our boots, we have shipped our belongings, we have settled our things here in the lower 48, now we just wait. Wait for 6am, March 31st to fly off to the north and begin......


  1. Great start. We'll look forward to following your journey. God bless.

  2. Nicely chronicled. Nice to catch up with Mark on Skype. We will have to set up more of those once you get connected.

    1. I'm glad you started this so we can follow you (sort of)! Is anyone else having trouble reading this?
