Monday, June 11, 2012

Things To Do In Aniak

Happy Arrival
Our daughter, Miranda, came to visit this last weekend out here in the bush.  She discovered the joys of a one way 5,000 mile trip.  And lest she had the notion that there was nothing to do "way out here",  Beth and I showed her ALL the sights.

It all started with her arrival at the airport, ANI.  Those are the call letters for our one runway strong extravagance of an airport in Aniak.  Though actually the real eye opener took place at the ultra modern baggage claim when the fork lift pulled up outside with everyone's luggage piled into a big bucket.  How quaint.

Baggage Claim
With that excitement out of the way we proceeded to show Miranda most of the sights...on foot.  We pretty much walk wherever we go.  We had a truck at our disposal but once you have ridden our pot-holed dirt roads, and have your internal organs jumbled enough, you will agree with us that God gave us feet for a very good reason.  So, walk, we did.
Miranda and Beth above the Kuskokwim  River
Miranda in charge of fish cleaning

Yes!  $7.14/gallon!
We walked along the river a lot.  It is prettier than walking "in town".  We saw...some of the ice that still has NOT melted from the break-up one month ago;  a fish cleaning platform that is till being built (the kings should start running any day now);  a float plane on the river;  the high price of gasoline in the village;  a cow moose track along with two of her calves and finally, said mamma moose wandering through town!
Moose on the loose

The last day she was here we braved the roads and drove the truck all around.  I started our trek with 1/8th of a tank of gas and pretty much finished with the same amount (though we actually did cover quite a bit of ground).  We saw such sites as...Roger towing a boat with a four-wheeler;  the quarry (we saw a bull moose in the woods but could not get a picture);  Aniak High School (the Half Breeds);  the dump ( I am not posting any of those pictures) 

Proud papa!
 and made one final stop at the shooting range where Miranda fired off some rounds of 30-06 on my Winchester 700!

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