Sunday, July 29, 2012

4 months in.....

Our village 4th of July celebration
Sometimes it seems as if we have been here for years, other times it is as if we just arrived.  When we first stepped foot in this village, winter was still upon us.  We have experienced break up, spring, the very short summer season (people still wear hats, coats, and occasionally gloves) and now we are noticing the midnight sun is not so bright anymore.

Through sad circumstances we have been offered the opportunity to stay in this Village and manage the store.  I am thrilled to have been promoted, thrilled for the chance to make an impact, sad for how it came about.  One of our training managers passed away unexpectedly.  It is hard to feel joy when the opportunity is linked with sorrow.

Miranda and the Atlantic
I have noticed that I do not feel so homesick. I do miss the ocean and the salty breezes.  I also feel the tug of missing my daughter and wanting to still be the constant parent.  I know she is grown up, on her own, and happy.  I miss being a mom with that daily presence in her life.

One of the things that has made staying more permanent is Mark and I are batting around the idea of getting a puppy.  A village mutt that will help us set down some roots and feel more at home.  It is easy to forget that the rest of the world still exists outside of the village.  Everything here is so contained and so small.  The road only goes so far, you are going to see the same people everyday no matter what, and these are the people that will stand by anyone in the village when the chips fall.

New hat for winter
 Most of the chatter these days is about fishing, berry picking, weddings, upcoming births, and memorial feeds. It has been interesting to see the folks work towards getting ready for winter: smoking fish, canning fish and berries. The focus of life here is different than where we are from. It is about food for winter, warmth for the season, and family ties.  It is easy to be unconcerned about what is happening in the lower 48 and to forget to read the news.  I keep thinking that I should get to town (Anchorage) for a couple of days, but the idea falls by the wayside with life here.  I do not miss the traffic, police sirens, and large amounts of people.  Go figure, the only things I really miss from town are good cheeseburgers and iced coffee.

I like the village life. I like the quietness of the evening.  I like the sound of the howling sled dogs down the way as night sets on.  I like seeing the same folks everyday.  I have come out of my shell and have become someone I used to know, talkative, friendly, caring, and happy.  So, welcome home and welcome back Beth!



  1. Beth, thanks for a great post on how you are adjusting. I pray for you and Mark being there and making a difference in people's lives... looking forward to hearing about the puppy!

  2. Great update! I love hearing about your adventures. Hmmm....knowing you guys, I can imagine that you will somehow manage to introduce the town to iced coffee and figure out a way to make cheeseburgers a reality! Love you both!

  3. What a great report. I'm glad you are the "old" Beth, and enjoying your life. Thanks for the update. We all enjoy your adventures up there. I wondered how long it would take you to get a puppy. Pics when it happens, okay!

    Praying for you two all the time. Love you so.
