Monday, August 6, 2012

What's going on in your town?

I think one of the best ways to get to know your town, city, or village is to pay attention to the community bulletin boards that are available in entry ways and common areas.  You can really see what is going on for the community, what is for sale, what is lost, what is found, and what matters to the general population.

At our store we have such a board.  Anyone can come in and post whatever they deem important.  It is common to see one, two, even four people standing there reading all the notices.  I find it interesting and I thought I would share some of the notices with you......

Remember to just bring CASH to Bingo!

We do not have 911 service in our village, we have these long phone numbers instead
Iditarod or Bust!   Don't hear that one too often!  I hope he makes it there!
Recycling is important....even way out here!

Next time you come across a community board, take time to look, you may be surprised at how much it tells about the community in which you live!



  1. We have a bulletin board at our local Albertsons. It's almost impossible to find anything, but we are a town of about 20,000. When I put business cards out there, they were stolen.

    Enjoy your remote area. Thanks for sharing yours.

    Love, Mom

  2. I used to read I have a renewed interest :) Those are pretty unique though - thanks for sharing!

  3. Maybe we'll have to post a few of our own pictures. Thanks for putting the spotlight on that.
