Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Beth and I were thinking at the exact same time tonight that we needed to update our blog.  WOW!!  My mother frequently reminds me that an update would be nice and quite recently Beth's mother also queried about a new post. So, without further ado...

We are definitely in the throes of winter.  While we have seen as low as -29 degrees so far, today hit a sultry 35 degrees above zero! Unfortunately, the wind has been blowing quite hard, and with the snow, we have been under white-out conditions much of the day.  Fortunately, our home is across the parking lot from the store so cold or wind or snow really should not affect us so much.

The bigger problem, is that with winter weather, we become quite the arid climate.  Now, do not be fooled.  We are not a frozen tundra here in Aniak.  We are on an island, for Pete's sake, surrounded comfortably by the Kuskokwim and Aniak Rivers.  But we are definitely dry and with cold, dry temperatures...ITCHY!!  We moisturize (as one friend phrases it) but there are times it seems to be little help.  Pant pockets rub against thighs.  Socks rub against shins.  Long sleeves rub against forearms.  Do not even get me started on my back!  After living in coastal North Carolina for four years I never thought I would long for humidity, but...must...stop...scratching!

Weather is a big factor up here but it impacts differently than what we have been used to in the lower forty-eight.  Our store sells four-wheeler's and snow machines (not called snow mobiles here).  When we have one delivered by plane I must pick it up at the airport.  Since I did not ride either of these every where I went in the lower forty-eight, my skills are, well, less than up to par.  The locals find it quite humorous when they see my riding one.

Fur is quite acceptable up here.  If you are seen about town sporting anything with fur you are considered practical and comfortable.  No one is apt to throw paint all over you.  Beth is currently the proud owner of a beaver hat, seal mittens and some wolf/beaver/rabbit boots (though she did pass those on to our daughter Miranda...more on her later).  A local is currently making beaver mittens for Beth for when she goes snow machining.  The winter hat I sport I bought while still in North Carolina and looks like it came out of the movie "Grumpy Old Men".

Alaska is unique in its heritage.  Part Eskimo(yu'pik here) and part Russian.  The names associated with this area  How about these first names?
Just to name a few.  Last names range from simple American sounding names to fun sounding Russian names.

We are just having a blast up here.  More later.  Thanks for following.



  1. Your sister appreciates the update, too. Love you!

  2. This sister agrees...and glad the moms requested out loud :)

  3. I don't know if it would work under those conditions, but I'm a big fan of Gold Bond lotions. They have one specifically for itching.

    Loved your update and those names, pretty ecelctic.
